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How to contact the Editorial Team

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Dear Enquirer,

In May 2018 new Data Protection Laws came into force which means that you have to give us your specific agreement as to how we may contact you, e.g. by telephone, mobile or e-mail.

We would like to have the ability to contact you by all these options as necessary and would therefor ask you to fully complete the boxes opposite by adding your name, and contact details

By completing these details you agree to being contacted by the Malpas On Line Web Team.

Please note, your contact details will not be shared with any other individuals unless we gain your specific permission to do so.

Malpas Community Web Site is financial supported by Malpas Parish Council.

The site editors/publishers will be responsible for scrutinising material for publication, generally checking for grammar or spelling errors, but the accuracy and authenticity of the content will always be the responsibility of the contributor, who should include a their name and a date of publication with their material.

Only items contained under the Local Councils menu tab have been officially approved by the Parish Council.

Information contained on the rest of the site has been provided by third party individuals and local organisations.

Also Note
Should any of the information be required in printed form then this can be requested from

Malpas Parish Council accept no responsibility for the content or for any errors in this other information.
However, if you have a comment or complaint about any of the content, then please let us know, so that we can take up the issue with the original contributor.

We are also looking to recruit dedicated volunteers to join our editorial team. If you are interested then drop us a note.

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