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The Dos and Don'ts of Public Rights of Way

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The Dos and Don'ts of Public Rights of Way


This public right of way is meant for pedestrians only.
You are allowed to walk your dog as long as it is under your close control.
When walking a dog, you must ensure that it keeps to the public footpath and does not trespass into nearby properties.
Prams, pushchair or wheelchairs can also be used on a footpath.

These are meant for walkers, horse riders and bicyclists.
Bicyclists are expected to give way to walkers and horse riders.

Byways Open To All Traffic (BOAT)
These byways are normally marked "byways" and are open to motorists, bicyclists, horse riders, motor cyclists and pedestrians.
As with public tarmac road networks, motorists must ensure that they are legally authorised to use BOATs (i.e. registered, taxed, insured and MOT'd).

Restricted Byways
Restricted Byways are created under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. They are open to the traffic mentioned above in BOATs, but exclude motor vehicles and motorcycles.


Footpaths on edge of a field must not be ploughed.
Footpaths can be ploughed, if they cross fields.
However, a minimum width of 1 metres must be made available within 14 days of ploughing.
Landowners must also ensure that they restore footpaths after ploughing.
If you are walking a dog, you must make sure that it does not stray off legal lines of a public footpath as this may constitute an act of trespass.
Also ensure that you clean up your dog mess, if your dog fouls up on a footpath.

Bridleways on the edge of a field must also not be ploughed except they cross over fields.
Like footpaths, landowners must also give a minimum width of 2 metres within 14 days of commencing ploughing.
Landowners must also ensure that they restore bridleways after ploughing.
Motor cars, mini motors and motorcyclists are not allowed on bridleways.

Byways Open To All Traffic (BOAT)
Under-age or banned drivers, quad bikes, mini-motos, non-road-legal scramblers and quad bikes are not allowed on BOATs.
BOATs must not be ploughed or obstructed to prevent public use.

Restricted Byways
Motorcyclists, motorists in motorcars, mini motors, quad bikes, and non-road legal scramblers are not allowed on restricted by ways.
Restricted byways must also not be ploughed or obstructed to preventpublic use.

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