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Mental Health Help Lines

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Mental Health Help Lines.

MIND helpline: 0300 123 3011
Open Mon to Friday 9am to 6pm

Local mental health help
For urgent mental health support people can contact Cheshire and Wirral partnership NHS foundation trust – Urgent Mental Health helpline on 0800 145 6485.This phone line is open 24/7 and is open to people of all ages (including children and young people). It should be the first port of call for urgent mental health help, as it's operated by trained professionals who will know how best to support people locally.

Number 71 (based in Chester) offer support to anyone in a mental health crisis (face to face or over the phone). They are open 10am-midnight 01244 393 139.

SilverCloud – People that are registered with any medical practice in Cheshire West and Chester borough can access SilverCloud.
SilverCloud is an online self-referral option that enables people to access a programme full of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) techniques for anxiety and depression.
It allows people to complete therapy in their own time, at a time and pace that suits them, whilst having regular weekly or fortnightly online reviews with a qualified mental health practitioner.

If appropriate for you, the SilverCloud programme can be tailored to your specific needs.

It offers access to a number of different modules that provide information about depression and anxiety and tools and skills to manage these more effectively.

Live Well in West Cheshire
Information about local services and support for residents in Cheshire West.

Age UK Cheshire
Life is challenging for us all right now.
Expert information, advice and friendship.
Give us a call, we're here if you need us: 01606 881 660


CWaC Central contact is 0300 123 7031 with the line open Mon -Fri and Sat. morning.
National Mental Health Help:
Samaritans 116 123 (open 24/7) They will listen to anyone, no matter how big or small their problem is (it's not just for people who are suicidal).

CALM (campaign against living miserably) 0800 585858 (open 5pm-midnight) CALM helps support people through their depression and aims to lower the rates of suicide, particularly for males.
They also have a webchat option for those who find it hard to speak about how they are feeling

Sane provides emotional support to people affected by mental health and their friends and families. People can leave a message on 07984 967708and a trained volunteer will get back in touch with them.

Papyrus is the leading national charity to prevent suicide in younger people (under 35 years old). They have a hope line – 0800 068 4141 (open 9am- midnight every day)

Rehab4addiction includes a page on mental health treatment

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