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Malpas History Magazine

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Malpas History Magazines as compiled by Malpas Field Club

The Malpas Field Club was founded in 1981, and is still very active today.

It has evolved over the ensuing years, but in the early days of its existence, it had a number of sub-sections.

One of these was a History Research Group, which in later years became independent of the Field Club and went on to carry out some valued transcription work on documents relating to the Malpas area, particularly Wills and Probate Inventories.
Many of these works have been published, providing an insight into the past and a valuable resource for later researchers.

The first project, while the group was still part of the Field Club, was the production of a twice-yearly magazine 'Malpas History'.
This ran to nine issues in all, from December 1983 to March 1988.

About four years ago the Committee agreed to have the file copies scanned and put on-line, so that they could be read and enjoyed by anyone.

In this period of enforced isolation, David Hayns, the clubs busy secretary, has managed to find time to start scanning copies of his personal collection.

Over the next few weeks, Malpas Cheshire online will publish them on this web site.
To read them, click on the relevant.pdf file above.

However, the documents remain the copyright of the Malpas Field Club and they should not be reproduced in part or whole without the permission of the Secretary David Hayns.

Malpas Field Club
3rd April 2020

Village Map

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