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Malpas 75 Years On

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75 years ago the guns fell silent in Europe on the world's second global war. It is time to think about all of those who lived in that tragic and remarkable time – and who put Britain on the path to becoming what it is today.

For events taking place on VE Day 2020 see


Project Objectives

  • to remember and honour the soldiers who are listed on the Malpas War Memorial and gave their lives during World War 2
  • to recognise the hardship endured and sacrifices made by local residents during the 1939 – 1945 period.
  • to provide a comprehensive cross section of events that will be of interest to our current village residents, thus helping newcomers to the village, to get to know our history, thereby enhancing our overall community spirit.

Draft Programme for the Malpas Celebrations

ve75 draft programme web

Village Parade
The main purpose of the Saturday parade is to highlight significant milestones in social and military history.

The three-day event is taking place in Malpas on 8th, 9th, and 10th May 2020 marking the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Eurpoe (VE) Day.

Loan us your Artefacts
The search for Second World War artefacts to display in May 2020 has begun.

Local and former residents are being encouraged to share family photographs and memorabilia from the period for a exhibition.

It is hoped that the displays and exhibitions will appeal to all ages and the commemoration weekend will also include choral and drama productions.

ww2 roadshow

At 2:00pm on Friday 8th May 2020, a commemorative parade of period vehicles, and suitably attired residents will move through the streets making its way to the Recreation Ground.

A commemoration service will be held on Sunday in St Oswald's Church

More details Committee Secretary on 01948 860333 or E-mail:

Village Map

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