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Rylands Close

rylands close
Rylands Close

This street, built in 1998, was named after Canon Michael Rylands and his wife Denise.

Cannon Rylands was one of the Rectors of St Oswald's Church.
His wife Denise was an artist and was responsible for work on the Nave roof in St Oswald's Church. the shields held by the angels were blazoned and glided with her designs.

Michael was sometime Vicar of Wilton, Wiltshire, Rector of Malpas, Cheshire and honorary canon of Chester a and Denise a scion of the Bates baronets (of Bellefield): her grandfather was Edward, 2nd Baronet.

michael rylands in camp
Michael chatting after taking a service at an army camp

In the 1960s the then Rector, Canon Rylands, and his wife undertook a major renovation of the internal ceilings; during which the mediaeval carved angels and shields were cleaned, repaired and repainted. The magnificence of this restoration gives some clue to the exuberance of the original decor, in which the roof beams were painted in red and gold and the stone walls whitewashed, interspersed with various highly coloured biblical scenes. In contrast, the current interior, whilst undoubtedly moving and beautiful, is a model of civilised restraint.

Carols around The Cross Painting by Denise Rylands

Canon Michael Rylands, was chair of governors of the village secondary school when it was opened in 1960

The service included hymns with words written by Bishop Reginald Heber, who was born at the rectory in Malpas in 1783 and whom the school is named after.
The Community Choir, led by David Hayns, included former students and staff and parents of present and former students.
Readings were given by the headteacher, David Curry and chair of governors, Michele Walker, first head girl, Diana Percy and present head boy, Ollie Nesbitt.

Below – Michael Rylands and Denise née Bates with residents of Rylands Close.

street named after rector
Michael Rylands and Denise née Bates with residents of Rylands Close.

one woman exhibition
Denise Rylands One Woman Show

carols around the cross
Denise Rylands' Painting of Carols around The Cross


Newspaper report of the retirement of Canon Rylands

Article Produced and published 6th January 2024 by Chris Whitehurst using material researched by David Hayns

Village Map

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