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Cheshire Fire Authority Action Plan consultation

23rd October 2021 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Cheshire Fire Authority Action Plan consultation

Cheshire Fire Authority Draft 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan consultation

Cheshire Fire Authority has launched a consultation on its 2022-2023 Draft Annual Action Plan.

The draft plan provides a progress update against key objectives within the Authority's four-year Integrated Risk Management Plan, which outlines a programme of activity to improve the provision of fire and rescue services across Cheshire and addresses the key fire and rescue risks facing Cheshire.

The draft annual action plan also contains several new or revised proposals to reflect new and emerging risks. Key proposals within the draft plan include:

  • Increasing the Authority's share of Council Tax by 1.99% for 2022/2023. This would result in the Fire Authority's share of Council Tax increasing by £1.61 to a total of £82.48 per year for a Band D property in Cheshire.
  • Reducing the number of false alarms in domestic premises.
  • Developing work to increase awareness of water safety.
  • Reviewing its Key Stage 2 fire safety education programmes to ensure they are delivered in an engaging and consistent manner.
  • Implementing the outcomes of a review into improving the Authority's response to flooding and other water incidents.
  • Undertaking a review of the Authority's specialist resources, to ensure they are in the optimum location to meet the needs of Cheshire.
  • Revising its approach to introducing a day crewing duty system at Wilmslow Fire Station.
  • Engaging with North West Ambulance Service, staff and trade unions to introduce a cardiac response capability in Cheshire that would see firefighters respond to cardiac arrests alongside paramedics.

The consultation runs until Friday 7 January 2022, with results considered by the Authority at its meeting on 9 February 2022.

For a copy of the plan download the above pdf file.

Further details can be found at

Queries or feedback can be provided directly to myself using the contact details below.

Graeme Worrall

Policy and Transformation Officer
Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service
Clemonds Hey | Winsford | Cheshire | CW7 2UA

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