Chester Cathedral and Chester
Sustainability Forum. Sustainability Event with CPRE presentation on, "
Tackling Climate Change in the Countryside."
As you are interested in development regarding land-use in the countryside I am delighted to invite you to meet us at our presentation on Tackling Climate Change in the Countryside in the
Sustainability Event at Chester Cathedral on Saturday 6 November 2021.
The event is kindly hosted by Chester Cathedral with the Chester Sustainability Forum.
It will be in the cloisters and the chapter house between 9am and 5.00pm, with displays, information, activities and discussions from many of the members including ourselves.
Recognising the Climate Crisis and Climate Emergency Declarations, in January 2020 CPRE published four major policy documents covering "Building and Planning", "Energy", "Transport" and
fourthly "Land Use, Forestry and Farming", which is most closely related to our main role as "The Countryside Charity".
Our presentation entitled, "Tackling Climate Change in the Countryside" is all about the policies in this fourth document.
We hope that you will come to talk with us and find it interesting, encouraging, challenging, cooperative and helpful, as we work to improve sustainability and its correlated actions on climate change.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Raynes, Branch Chairman,
CPRE Cheshire
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