As we start to enter the recovery phase of the coronavirus pandemic, we will experience change and will need to adapt to a new norm.
Taking steps to look after our wellbeing can help us deal with pressure, develop resilience and reduce the impact that stress has on our life.
Building greater self-awareness and developing coping mechanisms can help us all get through the pandemic and help us deal with future challenges.
Times have been difficult for all of us under different circumstances and having resilience is key to helping us bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity.
Resilience can help you manage stressful situations, protect you from mental ill-health and improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Support is also available for anyone struggling or finding it difficult to cope.
There is a 24/7 mental health helpline available for people of all ages, including young people who need urgent mental health support, 0300 303 3972 (Cheshire and Wirral).
For more information and support, go to Kind to your Mind or YoungMinds."
Clare Olver, who leads on the Natural Health Service at The Mersey Forest adds
"We know that being in nature is good for both our physical and mental wellbeing, and many people have discovered this for themselves over the last few weeks.
Through the work of The Mersey Forest Partnership, many new woodlands have been created close to where we live for us to get out and explore, and hopefully making us happier and healthier too."
Some key steps to becoming more resilient include:
-review your lifestyle, make time for family and friends, develop interests and hobbies and use relaxation techniques to help reduce stress levels.
-look after your physical health, eat healthily and get enough sleep
-be kind to yourself, by taking a break and rewarding yourself
-build a support network of friends, family and work colleagues.
Cheshire West and Chester Council has been highlighting the five ways to wellbeing over the last few months:- connect, keep learning, be active, take notice and give to help support residents during the coronavirus pandemic.
Useful information and tips on improving your mental wellbeing are also available via the following sites:
Every Mind Matters
You can also share your ideas on how our communities can emerge from the pandemic even stronger than before and what you would like the new norm to be, by visiting the Council's Stronger Futures web page.
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