The Next meeting for Malpas Amateur Gardeners is on February 13th.
Our Speaker for this month is Nick Rowles an environmentalist and wildlife expert.
Nick is at present the Trees outside Woodlands Project Officer for Shropshire Council and worked at Cheshire Wildlife, Bickley for many years educating children about the natural environment.
Nick is talking about ponds, which are a great asset to any garden, bringing in all types of wildlife from insects to birds, amphibians and bats.
They also bring light in to a garden and allow us to grow aquatic and bog plants such as water lilies.
A date for your Diary is our next meeting on March 13th when Ken Black, a well known Clematis expert is coming to talk about 'Clematis All Year Round'
We meet as usual in The Malpas Community Church.
February is the start of our year, so we start at 7pm to give people time to pay their subs and collect a membership card.
Membership is £10, entrance is £2.00 to members, £5.00 for non members, light refreshments and a raffle are included in this price.
All are welcome to our friendly club.
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