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Malpas Amateur Gardeners – SEPTEMBER MEETING.

20th August 2023 @ 8:08am – by Webteam
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alpine plants


Malpas Amateur Gardeners.

On September 9th we will be holding our Annual Fruit, Flowers and Produce Show in the Jubilee Hall.
Exhibits can be brought along between 8.45 and 9.45 am.
Judging is at 10 then viewing at 11.30 am.
Presentation of Awards is at 12:00 pm.
All are welcome to exhibit.

Please contact: for a schedule.

The Next meeting for Malpas Amateur Gardeners is on 14th of September.

Our Speaker for this month is Diane Clements.
Diane has been visiting the Alps for over 40 years, and has specialised in growing alpine plants for over 20 years.

She is a keen exhibitor and judge for the Alpine Garden Society.
She will be speaking on 'Alpine Plants'

A date for your Diary is our next meeting, October 12th when Ian And Teresa Moss from Bettisfield will be talking on 'Salvias'

We meet, as usual in The Community Church on the High Street in Malpas at 7.30 pm.

Entrance is £1.00 to members, £3.00 for non members, refreshments are included in this price.

All are welcome to our friendly club.

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