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Multi-agency fly-tipping operation gets results

9th December 2022 @ 8:08am – by Webteam
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Multi-agency fly-tipping operation gets results

Cheshire West and Chester Council has joined forces with Cheshire Constabulary's Rural Crime team and the Environment Agency to carry out a week of intensive enforcement action across the borough to tackle fly tipping and waste transfer offences.

Throughout last week, officers from all three agencies worked in partnership carrying out vehicle stops of commercial vehicles across the borough, as part of the on-going Operation Flycatcher.

A wide range of vehicles, from HGVs to small commercial vehicles, were stopped and checks were carried out to ensure that if they were carrying waste they had the required licences and documentation to do so.

Officers also examined reported fly-tips across the borough, searching for evidence of the offenders. Doorstep interviews were then carried out and investigations are continuing which are likely to lead to Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) being issued or to prosecutions.

Mobile CCTV in a local hot spot area also captured evidence of fly tipping from a vehicle, which is also being investigated further.

The Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said: "We will not tolerate fly tipping and other waste crime in Cheshire West and Chester.

"This operation is part of our continued multi agency campaign to ensure that unscrupulous individuals and businesses do not get away with failing to dispose of their waste legally and appropriately."

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: "The Environment Agency will continue to work tirelessly to tackle environmental crime and is committed to ensuring that appropriate environmental standards are adhered to.

It is illegal to leave waste on public or private land which does not have either an environmental permit or a registered exemption.

That's why we are determined to make life hard for criminals who dismiss the law, by disrupting and stopping their illegal activity.

"We urge members of the public to help us by reporting what may be illegal waste activity, particularly where they see large vehicles carrying waste, during the hours of darkness. Any concerns can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111."

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