At their meeting at 6:00pm on Monday 12th June the Parish Council will consider its response to the application for 17 dwellings on land of Lynchet Road.
See attached pdf extraordinary meeting agenda.
The development site lies within the adopted settlement boundary, and already has extant permission for 7 Dormer Bungalows, (15/04750/FUL granted on 13th July 2016) so the principle of permitted development on the site has already been established.
This application is still live and if a developer chooses to build 7 bungalows on the site they can do so without seek further approvals.
It is the Cheshire West and Chester (CWaC) Planning Authority and not the Parish Council that makes the decisions on planning applications, and they work to a presumption in favour of development after weighing up the potential harm against the benefits of any development.
There are only certain issues that would be considered as material and relevant to any planning applications.
These can be found at
The Parish Council are only statutory consultants and their observations carry no more weight than any individual person.
Attending the Meeting:
Residents attending the meeting have the opportunity to speak in the open forum session, and will be allowed 5 minutes to raise their concerns.
However if a point has already been raised then the individual will be asked not to repeat the concern.
Open Forum – Rules of Participation:
Parish Council meetings are open to members of the public.
Members of the public are permitted to make representations, answer questions and give evidence in respect of any item of business included in the agenda only during the Open Forum part of the meeting.
The following rules of participation apply during the Open Forum part of the meeting:-
Commenting on Applications:
It is recommended that residents submit there own comments and observations to the planning authority either by commenting on line via the planning portal at
or via telephone or e-mail
Tele: 0300 123 7027
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