West Cheshire Rural u3a is unable to meet in person at the moment but we continue to hold our monthly meetings online using Zoom.
Our next meeting is on the 18th March will include a talk by Kath Reynolds, Title "Playing out"..
Kath worked for many years for Staffordshire and then Stoke-on-Trent Libraries.
She now delivers a number of reminiscence talks which reflect a great many years of collecting stories, memories and musings from the people of Staffordshire and surrounding counties.
If you would like to become a u3a member please contact our membership secretary using the information on our website https://u3asites.org.uk/west-cheshire/contact
West Cheshire Rural u3a is now on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/WCRU3A/ https://m.facebook.com/WCRU3A/
@anniebea56 https://twitter.com/anniebea56
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