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Speeding in our villages

12th October 2021 @ 9:09am – by Webteam
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20 mph zone

Speeding in our villages

Nationally, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) reported that in 2019, 817 people were killed, 20,885 were seriously injured, and 91,153 were slightly injured in reported road collisions on built up roads (40mph or less).

A large proportion of these collisions occurred on residential roads, with 121 deaths on B roads in built-up areas and 280 deaths on other minor roads in built-up areas.

The average short car journey in the UK is just two and half miles and travelling this distance at a constant speed of 20mph adds just an extra two and half minutes to the journey time, compared to travelling the same distance at a constant 30mph.

People and especially children hit by a car at 20mph are far more likely to walk away with bruises and minor injuries than those hit at 30mph.

Please be aware that 20mph zones exist in Malpas Village.

Drive at or below the limit and help keep our adults and children safe.

Better still, if you can, please consider more active methods of travel, like walking or cycling, for shorter journeys and leave your car at home.

Village Map

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