Notice is hereby given that the Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council propose to make the following Traffic Regulation Order in accordance with the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
The effect of the Order will be to prohibit waiting at any time on the following lengths of road:
Hughes Lane (both sides) – from its junction with Tilston Road for a distance of 10 metres in south-westerly direction;
Tilston Road (west side) – from a point 13 metres north-west of the centre line of Hughes Lane for a distance of 26 metres in south-easterly direction
Full details are in the draft Order which, together with a plan showing the extents of the proposal, may be viewed in the Public Notices section of the Council's website, or at Cheshire West and Chester HQ, 58 Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP.
Copies may be obtained by emailing: or via telephone request to 0300 123 7036.
All objections and other representations relating to the Order must be made in writing to the undersigned by 9th June 2022 and objections must specify the grounds on which they are made. Any representations relating to the Orders should specify the title of the Order and may become available for public inspection.
Sue Begley
Highways and Environment Services Manager
Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council
Highways Office Guilden Sutton
Guilden Sutton Lane
Guilden Sutton
Chester CH3 7EX
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