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Shocklach Oviatt Church of England Primary School

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We are a very welcoming, inclusive and supportive community and enjoy a fantastic location, great facilities and high quality teaching and learning.

Shocklach Oviatt Church of England Primary is a very small rural school situated near the town of Malpas in Cheshire.

Whilst enjoying the educational and personal privileges a small , successful school offers, we are proud of our strong links with our neighbouring schools, our church, our community and internationally.

We are a feeder primary school for Bishop Heber High School in Malpas. 
This is a factor which is taken into account in Bishop Heber's over-subscription criteria.

Our school life is based on Christian Values and we are very proud of the pupils at our school. Pupils are often commended for their thoughtful and considerate behaviour towards others and one another and are encouraged to work hard, have fun and to be kind, caring and polite. We want every pupil to enjoy future success and to leave the school with a love of learning and the confidence, values and skills to do well in later life.

We have excellent facilities for all our children both inside and out. Play facilities for our younger children have recently been extensively developed and we also have a very attractive woodland walk and 'forest school' area. For more information about our facilities, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Our Mission Statement

We aim high in our hearts and minds as we blossom in God's garden.

This garden has its roots in:

  • Learning, challenge, pride and confidence
  • Family, friendship, togetherness and respect
  • Safety, security, trust and hope
  • Music, singing, dance, sport and celebration
  • Smiles, laughter, joy, fun and happiness
  • Love, peace, faith, prayer and worship

Learn more about Shocklach Primary School

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