Welcome to our school!
At the heart of Tilston School is a caring Christian family with one core purpose: to bring out the best in everyone!
Tilston School has Church of England Controlled Status. This means the school functions within the partnership of the Church and the Local Education Authority, with its Christian ethos being central to the school.
Our school aims to:
- Promote Christian values alongside a respect and understanding of other beliefs and cultures;
- Provide a happy, stimulating and safe learning environment;
- Promote a love of learning;
- Encourage the partnership between home, school, church and community;
- Provide a broad, creative and well-balanced education for all our pupils;
- Promote respect for each other, the environment and ourselves;
- Celebrate each child's uniqueness, progress and achievements;
- Encourage everyone to make healthy life choices;
- Prepare children for future challenges by encouraging them to take risks and be resourceful;
- Encourage all learners to be reflective and resilient.
Learn more about Tilston Primary School