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Coronation Roadshow

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Malpas Coronation Roadshow

Plans are being drawn up to join in with the National celebration of Her majesty, the Queen's Platinum Jubilee year.

There are four days of events scheduled between 2nd to 5th June, which will include a Coronation Roadshow in Malpas Community Church (Formerly High Street Church)

The theme of the Roadshow will be "What was like to live and work in Malpas during the period 6th February 1952 to 2nd June 1953."(The period between Her Majesty's accession to the Throne and the actual coronation.)

We are looking for the loan of everyday items and artefacts that would have been in use up to 2nd June 1953.

roadshow flyer v2

For example

In the Home

Domestic Items:
Flat or smoothing irons
Metal/Tin bath
Washing tub with mangle
Dolly Tub and Dolly peg
Any items from kitchen or the garage (Now powered but then hand-driven )
e.g. mixer for baking; scales with old weights; lawn mower, etc.
Product & food tins and packaging of the day
Large pram

Working man's shirt with long tails
Lady's dresses
Men's hats (everyone had one!)

Box camera
12" Black and White Television
Valve radio
Gramophone and records (45s began in 1948)

A home telephone
Local telephone directory

Dinky Triang or Hornby toys
New games of the day

On the Road

Road fund licence
Driving licence
AA book (no MOTs then!)

Public call box A/B push button phone set
Local telephone directory

Bus timetable
Photograph of a bus in the village
Photographs of a steam passenger train in Malpas station
Train time table

At Work

Office Items:
Sit up and beg typewriter
Fountain pen and ink
Carbon paper
Slide rule
Log tables
Other office items

In the Shops

Coinage including 3d, 6d, bobs, £ notes
Product & food tins and packaging of the day


Radio Times
Advertising posters

Going Out:
Cinema posters
Cafe/restaurant menu (no foreign food!)
Anything relating to beers of the day


Photographs of:
Steam passenger train in Malpas station
1953 street parties
Coronation carnival and sports day held on June 6 1953
1953 street scenes
Alport school photographs
Lost buildings


Milk supply:
Small milk bottle – 1/3 of a pint that was given to school children
Milk churns (where was creamery?)
Photograph of a milk lorry
Alport school photographs

If you have any of these items and are prepared to loan them for display at the roadshow then please e-mail or call 01948 860333

Village Map

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