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Malpas Community Speed Watch

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Speeding in the Malpas Area

Because of the traffic speeds in the Malpas Ward area, a number of the local residents have come together to form a Community Speed Watch Group.

The Community Speed Watch initiative over the coming months will involve a roadside presence using Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) and a Radar Gun to monitor traffic speeds and report excessive speeding vehicles to the police.

In an attempt to combat the excessive speeding that exists across the entire Malpas Ward, concerned residents of Cuddington, Nomansheath and Threapwood will also be involved with the initiative.

The campaign, being led by some of our local residents, is strongly supported by both Cheshire West and Chester Council and the Police, and it is expected that persistent offenders will be prosecuted.

If you are concerned about speeding in the area, then why not sign up to the Community Safer Driving Campaign.

You can join the Community Speed Watch Team by contacting the

Speed Monitoring Locations

Village Map

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