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Malpas Recreation Ground Trust

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A trust deed dated 31st December 1938 governs the operation of a piece of land adjacent to the Tilston Road which is known as Malpas Recreation Ground.
The Malpas Recreation Ground Trust was registered with the Charity Commissioners as a charity on 11th May 1971.

Responsibility for ensuring the terms of the trust document as applied to the Recreation Ground is currently vested in two Trustees.

The Trustees have the responsibility to:

  • Hold the said premises (land) of Malpas Recreation Ground on trust to permit it to be appropriated for the benefit of the inhabitants of the parish of Malpas and District aforesaid and in particular the children attending school as a non-sectarian and non-political place of recreation.
  • Erect, alter and take down, buildings as the trustees think desirable and fit.
  • Let all or part of the said land to any club person or persons upon any terms the trustees may think fit and from time to time permit all or any part of the premises to be used upon such terms and conditions and either payment or not as they think fit for entertainments, games, sports meetings or other purposes providing that there is not any undue interference with its use for recreational purposes.

Site Management

The day to day business of the site is managed on behalf of the Trust and the community by a management committee.
All trustees and the management committee members give their time voluntary and receive no remuneration or other benefits from the trust

Site Facilities

Play areas have been set aside and play equipment has been provided for the benefit of young and teenage children.

A Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) provides play space for football, basketball, and other similar ball games

Seating and waste bins are provided for the benefit and use of all ages of the local community.

An area of the site remains free of equipment. This area is used by pupils of the Malpas Alport Primary School for their weekly games period and their sports day events.

Maintenance of the play equipment, land surface and surrounding boundaries ensures the site remains in a reasonable safe and usable condition

Site Use

The Recreation Ground has been used since 1938 to host village evnts.
Since 2012 it has been used to stage the Malpas Village Fair, and the hugely successful Malpas "100 Years On" event held in November 2018 to commemorate the 100th anniversay of the end of World War One.

Use of the site is provided free of charge, with the Trustees and the Chairman of the Management Committee actively supporting the organisation of these important village events.

Equipment installed as part of an upgrade in June / July of 2014 still proves to be popular with the village children and residents.
Attendance at and usage of the facility has vastly increased since the upgrade work was completed, with visitors coming from outside the immediate area.

As Malpas grows in size, the future strategy for the Recreation Ground Trust is one of a village park providing recreation and leisure space for the local community.


A twelve monthly inspection, conducted to BSEN Standards, is undertaken by a certified Safety Inspector.
In addition weekly inspections of equipment take place to check for wear or vandalism.

Hosting of Village Fair and other major community events

The site has been used since 2012 as the venue for the popular and well attended Village Fairs.
The site is provided free of charge in line with the Recreation Ground's trust principles of supporting the residents of Malpas.

Careful planning and attention to deatil by the Fair Committee Members has allowed the site to accommodate the ever growing number of exhibitors attending these events.

In November 2018, the site was also the venue for the gathering of the exhibitors that took part in the unique Malpas "100 Years On" Commemoration parade.
A representation of a World War One trench network constructed at the top of the site also proved extremely popular with residents attending the event.

Thanks must also go to the Trustees and the Management Committee for their involvement in a number of aspects of the site work before, during and after the day that helped to make the Malpas "100 Years On" Project a success.

The representative World War One Trench network was demolished during the Covid19 lockdown period.

Upgrade work is ongoing with boundary treaments and site access being improved to help mitigate against wet weather.

The works currently taking place on Hughes Lane will include a new pedestrian entrance; this to move the current pedestrain access away from the junction with Tilston Road, which should provide greater safety.

For further information contact Chris on 01948 860333

Village Map

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